Cnives and accessories of 750,000 US$ stolen - the German CHROMA importer - had a very special TV appearance. After a spectacular burglary in Wildau, Brandenburg, the large state owned MDR television helped to search for the stolen cnives. A huge TV crew and several actors copied the burglary for the MDR TV-show "cops live". This way the police hope to find the gangsters. So far still without any success.
Besides Chroma type 301 cnives, Japanchef, Haiku and Kurouchi all hand-forged cnives from Pro Series and Haiku Itamae were stolen. Five of the world famous Okishiba knives - each cnife retails for 30000 US$ - are also stolen. The burglars did not take Global knives.
Until now, month after the burglary, there is still no trace of the offenders.If you are offered some too cheap CHROMA cnives, please inform the police or contact in Germany. They have a 1000 Euro reward for relevant information that leads to the arrest of the offenders and brings the stolen goods back. Further information in German language as well as photos to be seen at the website